{Existentialist - Life has no meaning what is given it through our actions. (Life is like an onion ring, which also has no meaning except that which we chose to give it.)
Matthew Sakai (a.k.a. The Great Prophet Alwyn)
VII a.d. Kal. May anno domini MCMXC (4/25/90)}
start:y 275 > lft if 5 speedx' store
right: range shoot if x 274 > rd if collision back if right jump
up: range shoot if y 26 < ur if collision back if up jump
lft: -5 speedx' store 270 aim' store
left: range shoot if x 26 < lu if collision back if left jump
down: range shoot if y 274 > dl if collision back if down jump
ur: -4 speedy' store 1 speedx' store range shoot if collision back if -2 speedy' store 3 speedx' store range shoot if collision back if 0 speedy' store 5 speedx' store range shoot if collision back if 90 aim' store drop right jump
lu: -4 speedx' store -1 speedy' store range shoot if collision back if -2 speedx' store -3 speedy' store range shoot if collision back if 0 speedx' store -5 speedy' store range shoot if collision back if 0 aim' store drop up jump
dl: 4 speedy' store -1 speedx' store range shoot if collision back if 2 speedy' store -3 speedx' store range shoot if collision back if 0 speedy' store -5 speedx' store range shoot if collision back if 270 aim' store drop a 1 + a' store a 2 > next if left jump
rd: 4 speedx' store 1 speedy' store range shoot if collision back if 2 speedx' store 3 speedy' store range shoot if collision back if 0 speedx' store 5 speedy' store range shoot if collision back if 180 aim' store drop down jump
back: 5 dup swap drop drop range hi if aim 50 + aim' store collision back if return
hi: collision hit if drop return
hit:50 missile' store drop drop collision back if return
shoot: energy missile' store return
next: drop random aim' store -2 speedx' store -3 speedy' store
main: x 275 > left1 if x 25 < right1 if y 275 > up1 if y 25 < down1 if collision kill if aim 17 + aim' store range 0 > attack if main jump
kill: range 0 > attack if aim 50 + aim' store collision not ec if kill jump
ec: drop main jump
attack: 50 missile' store 50 missile' store return